Sunday, November 13, 2011

Book of The Month: The Interpreter By Suzanne Glass

This month I read The Interpreter By: Suzanne Glass.  The story takes place in Manhattan and it details the life of Dominique Green, an interpreter from England. The other main character is Nicolas Manzini, an Italian scientist.  I have to say that I really enjoyed this book. It has everything you could want in a novel. There is action, suspense and romance.  From an interpreter's standpoint, I think that author did a really great job portraying the life of an interpreter (the author is an interpreter by the way). I like the way its told in the first person, so we can hear all of Dominique's interpersonal demands as well as her other demands of the job. I felt like I could really relate to her.  She goes through all the same feelings and experiences that we do, so it was nice to read a novel with a character that I could relate to. I think its a great read for interpreters or anyone who wants to understand our world a little more.
For next month's book, I am hoping to get my hands on The Interpreter By: Suki Kim , another novel featuring guess who? An Interpreter:) If not, I am going to choose another book from my amazon list down below. 
Happy Reading!!!!

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